Clinical Hypnosis

What is Clinical Hypnosis?

Clinical Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that induces a trance-like state to quiet the conscious mind and connect to the unconscious mind. When in this state of focused attention, the subconscious mind can be accessed to reshape old beliefs, clear negative emotions, patterns and habits; and establish new ideas and beliefs that are more benefical to you and your goals. ⁠You can expect to feel a state of relaxation and you are in control the entire time.

Why Hypnosis?


The subconscious mind is where our true abilities and healing resources reside, beneath the awareness of the conscious mind. Simply put, it is profoundly more effective to work with the subconscious mind than to work with the habits and resistance in the conscious mind. Telling yourself not to be anxious only magnifies your anxiety!

Most of us live our lives either in the past or in the world of future hopes. We become victim to automatic reactions created by past experience and while we continue to hope for change and dream of a better future, somehow, we end up in the same old patterns. In order for healing to happen we must uncover and understand, reframe and transform memories stored at the subconscious level in order to positively influence our behaviour.

How can Clinical Hypnosis help me?

Hypnosis is a gentle technique that is extremely quick and effective for change and personal growth. It can be used for a wide variety of challenges, issues, negative thoughts, patterns and habits. Some of these include:

✔ Anxiety ⁠
✔ Stress management⁠
✔ Processing challenging and difficult emotions
✔ Pain management⁠/reprocessing/elimination
✔ Weight loss/management
✔ Fears/Phobias⁠
✔ Negative patterns/habits⁠/behaviours⁠
✔ Sleep issues
✔ Low self-worth/self-doubt⁠
✔ Negative self-talk⁠
✔ Procrastination
✔ Performance Anxiety
✔ Facing your fears and work towards creating the life you want⁠
✔ Poor boundaries and so much more!⁠

E-mail Mandy at if you would like to book a free 15min consultation

Hypnosis Sessions

3 Session Package

✔ 3 - 50 minute Hypnosis sessions
✔ Via Zoom or in-person at Mosaic Integrative Health


Prices in Canadian Dollars
Includes HST

6 Session Package

✔ 6 - 50 minute Hypnosis sessions
✔ Via Zoom or in-person at Mosaic Integrative Health


Prices in Canadian Dollars
Includes HST




Chronic Pain Program